Tuesday, March 17, 2020
9 Technical Writing Tips Every Writer Needs to Know
9 Technical Writing Tips Every Writer Needs to Know Technical writing takes high-level details and explains them clearly and concisely to an audience. While the result of technical writing is clear, succinct and simple, the process can be the opposite. The technical writer’s challenge is to transform complicated information into an accessible document. To meet this challenge, technical writers use different strategies. This article will provide you with a selection these distinct, action-oriented strategies to improve your technical writing. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '2355e67d-04bb-46d6-b8a7-b271b3acdfe9', {}); 1) Create a Persona The crux of good technical writing is writing for your audience. The audience needs to be defined in the document planning process and then considered at each step of the writing process. Technical writers know that a tech-savvy boss needs different information about a product than a 73-year-old grandmother. After identifying your audience, refine it further by creating a persona. Imagine the exact person who will be reading your document. The persona will be obvious if you are writing for a known person, such as your department supervisor. For other documents, the persona can be fictional. Assign your reader a specific age, gender, educational background, career, a story for why they are reading the document, even a hobby. Instead of writing for a theoretical audience, write for a specific, albeit fictional, person. The more accurately you can imagine your reader, the more accessible your writing will be for them. Instead of wondering if the wording is right for the audience, write and review the wording with this persona in mind. It will be obvious whether or not the text is right for your reader. 2) Beware of Scope Creep Good technical writers keep in mind the document’s goal at each writing stage. The goal and scope should be clearly outlined in the initial document planning. During the planning and even the writing process, document content can grow. Technical details are not isolated. They are built on previous developments, and you may want to include supplemental information or additional user instructions. Colleagues may suggest valuable background information or data. Some extra details are useful. Too many details will cause the scope to creep. As technical writing strives to be succinct, scope creep creates unnecessary work that ultimately produces a less valuable document for the reader. If you feel the scope needs to broaden, return to the goal. Evaluate if that content is really necessary. Cut it or if necessary, consider separation through appendices and even an additional document. 3) Writing Should Be Easy If you’re thinking ‘writing is always difficult for me,’ writing is probably not your real problem. Writing should be easy because the planning process was thorough. The planning process should take up to 50% of overall document preparation time. All key materials, relevant details, and the audience will be captured and organized. The result is your complete document in a condensed format. Writing simply fleshes out this compact version. If you’re unclear of how to phrase an idea while writing, reflect on your audience and how they would want to read it. If you’re not sure if a data set should be included, refer to your mind map to see if it fits within it. Any writing question can be answered by a complete planning process. If the writing is difficult, stop typing and return to your plan. There is at least one aspect of the planning process that needs more development. Once you have a thorough plan, only then should you start to write. And it will be easy. You may be interested in our other article: 87 Business Writing Tips 4) Be Timeless A technical document is your contribution to posterity. That’s right, you are passing on technical knowledge for readers now and in the future. Most technical writers focus on today’s audience. While very important, these documents often serve future readers, too. A site assessment may not be read again for 30 years until the property comes up for sale. Software instructions act as the basis for the future manual of an updated version. To write timelessly, always include dates and timelines where relevant. Avoid including time-dependent or temporary information. If you must, explain its current context for future readers. For example, a health and safety report references current legislation. The act is carefully identified so that it can be differentiated from future revised codes. Your document should be clear and comprehensible now and 20 years from now. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, '2355e67d-04bb-46d6-b8a7-b271b3acdfe9', {}); 5) Use Attributions Good attributions are efficient. They allow the reader to reference relevant details without including the information directly. The readers who need that additional information can easily find it, while others can continue on in the document without being buried in background information. See references as a tool for maintaining a concise and valuable document for your audience. 6) Use Global English English is an international language. Writing technical documents in English allows them to be broadly read and shared. However, many readers will be non-native speakers. In order to accommodate all readers, use Global English. This style of English is logical and literal which makes it more easily understood. It has a strong overlap with the technical writing principles of precision and clarity. In addition, writing globally means being aware of content that can difficult to understand or simply misunderstood. For example, avoiding idioms and the subjunctive, as well as being careful with words that can be both a noun and verb (e.g. display or guide).edX supports learners across the world and follows a very useful guide to Global English. 7) Forget the Word Count Some writers race to a word count, seeing it as the goal marker. In technical writing, word count is a poor judge of completion. Technical writing should be concise. The same instructions can be conveyed in 500 words or 5000 words. The better instructions are the ones that are most effective for the reader, regardless of the word count. Use word count as a general guide, not a rule. Never force words onto a page meet a word count. If you can write the same idea in fewer words, it’s better for the reader. 8) Be Humble Writing is an iterative process. Through good planning, thoughtful writing, and constructive feedback, you will grow and improve your technical writing skills. Each review offers its own lessons. Be welcoming of feedback from supervisors, peers, and experts. Learn from mistakes, confusions, and comments. Each review session offers an opportunity to grow as a writer. Be humble and accept these educational opportunities. 9) Use Graphics to Illustrate Graphics can help illustrate your message. In technical writing, the goal of graphics is to help convey information not act as decoration. In our online technical writing course, we teach that graphics should be focused on the reader. Poorly designed graphics can confuse readers and do more harm than good. To learn more about adding graphics to your documents see our article on the topic. Conclusion Technical writing is centered on good planning and audience focus. The above tips provide different perspectives and practical methods to accomplish these goals.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
17 Gorgeous Box Braids Styles and How to Care For Them
17 Gorgeous Box Braids Styles and How to Care For Them SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In the '90s, box braids were everywhere. They were the coolest hairstyle, and our favorite movie and tv characters were wearing them, from Dionne in Clueless to Moesha. As is often the case, what was once cool is cool again. Box braids are back! If you're too young to remember the heyday of box braids or if you've never worn this hairstyle, it's time to up your box braid knowledge. In this article, I'll enlighten you on all things box braids. I'll thoroughly detail what they are, how they're made, how they can be styled, and how to maintain them. So buckle up as I break it down for you in this box braid bible. What Are Box Braids? Box braids are a hairstyle associated with African and African-American hair. To make box braids, the entire head of hair is parted into boxes and each section is braided from the box all the way down. Often, box braids will be mistaken for corn rows and vice versa. Don't make this rookie mistake. The difference between box braids and cornrows is that cornrows are braided directly from the scalp, and the braids in box braids start from the boxes of hair on the scalp. For black people, and black women especially, braids and twists (in which the hair is twisted instead of braided) are known as protective hairstyles because they protect natural hair from the elements and don’t require daily maintenance. Here are some pictures of specific protective hairstyles so you can see how they look and how they differ. First, check out cornrows. In this hairstyle, the hair is braided directly from the scalp: A photo posted by Stasha Harris (@magicfingers84) on Aug 1, 2016 at 7:01pm PDT Next, here's a type of twist hairstyle known as Senegalese or rope twists. The hair is twisted instead of braided to create this look. #senegalesetwists A photo posted by Marie Hair braiding (@marie_bundu) on Jun 25, 2016 at 1:46pm PDT Finally, this is a woman with box braids. Notice how the braids start from sections of hair instead of directly from the scalp. A photo posted by Victoria Knight (@victoria_knight_) on Aug 2, 2016 at 10:07am PDT The Process of Getting Box Braids Getting box braids is a lengthy and labor-intensive process. Depending on the size of your braids and your stylist’s skill, the process can take anywhere from 2-12 hours. Preparation Before getting a box braid hairstyle, you have to prep your hair. Here are the things you need to make sure to do to your hair before getting box braids: Shampoo Detangle Deep-condition Blow dry Going through these steps will ensure your hair is as healthy and clean as possible. While your hair is braided, you won’t be able to get rid of all the dirt and bacteria from your hair and scalp, so your hair should be super clean before it gets braided. If your hair is long enough, box braids can be done with just your natural hair. However, if you want some additional length, hair pieces can be woven in. Keep in mind if you use extensions, that will add to the cost. Cost The cost for box braids varies depending on the length of your hair, the thickness of your braids, how much artificial hair is used, and where you get your braids done. Without extensions, you can get them at a salon for about $100-$300. Extensions with synthetic hair will normally add about $20-$50 to the cost, depending on the type of synthetic hair and how many packs you use. If you use human hair for your extensions, that will significantly increase the cost, and human hair is not recommended for larger braids. You can try to braid your own hair or have a friend do them to lower your cost, but most often, you'll get the best results if you have your braids done by a professional. The Basic Box Braid Steps First, all the hair must be parted into individual boxes one at a time. When you grab a section of hair, the hair on your scalp should look somewhat like a little square or rectangle. The size of the boxes can vary, depending on how big you want the braids to be. After the boxes have been created, the section of hair in each box is further divided into three even subsections and braided down to the ends. At the end of the process, the entire head of hair should be in individual braids. Then, you should moisturize your hair and scalp. Here you can watch an almost 20 minute video of a woman getting box braids with extensions. She takes you through the entire process, from getting her hair washed, to parting the hair, to braiding in the extensions: 5 Types of Box Braids There are multiple box braid styles. Depending on your style preference and your hair type, here are some box braid types you can choose from: Poetic Justice Braids Sometimes people will refer to box braids as Poetic Justice braids, but specifically, Poetic Justice braids are thick, long box braids, like the ones Janet Jackson wore in the movie Poetic Justice. Typically, thick box braids work best on women with thicker hair. Janet Jackson with her Poetic Justice braids Micro Braids The thinnest of the box braids are known as micro braids. They’re a great option if you have fine hair. Check out some micro braid examples: A photo posted by zencià ¶rgà ¼sà ¼ cornrows box braid (@zenci_orgusu_afro) on Jul 29, 2016 at 2:49am PDT A photo posted by CoilyHairedBeauty (@_coilyhairedbeauty_) on Jul 27, 2016 at 9:52pm PDT Ombre Braids Many women will opt for ombre braids if they’re getting extensions. Ombre just means that the hair is darker at the root and gradually becomes lighter. You can get your braids in a ton of colors, including red, green, gold, silver, brown, and purple. Use colored braids to add some pop to your hairstyle. However, depending on the colors you choose, this look may not be seen as â€Å"professional,†so make sure the colors will work for your lifestyle. A photo posted by H'ADAS Hair💎 (@hadashair) on Aug 1, 2016 at 9:am PDT Short Box Braids Your box braids don’t have to be long, even though most women choose to go long with their braids. You can do a box braid bob and look totally awesome. Typically, the shorter dos work better with thicker braids. A photo posted by Kersti Pitre (@kersti.pitre) on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:32pm PDT A photo posted by hi felicia! (@feeeenicole) on Jul 2, 2015 at 5:58pm PDT Shaved Sides You can rock long box braids and shave the sides and back of your hair. This undercut look provides some glam and edge. A photo posted by @boxbraidsbeauties on Mar 7, 2015 at 9:28am PST A photo posted by Cynthia (@hairbyclarity) on Feb 26, 2015 at 12:31pm PST 12 Box Braid Hairstyles After you get your box braids, there are a ton of ways you can style them. One of the biggest advantages of the box braid hairstyle is that it’s very versatile. Here are some of the most popular box braid hairstyles, complete with descriptions and pics. General Hairstyles for Box Braids For the most part, any hairstyle you can do with long hair, you can do with box braids. For example, here are some classic hairstyles you can do withbox braids. Additionally, you can use any combination of these looks. Buns Depending on the length and thickness of your braids, you can wear a variety of buns. You can sport your bun in the back of your head or near the front. Furthermore, you can put all your hair in a bun, or you can put some of your hair in a bun and wear the rest of your braids down. A photo posted by 👑ðŸ âšâ€"MelanieSheree ðŸÅ' ºÃ°Å¸â€˜â€˜Ã°Å¸ ¦â€ž (@melaniewashere) on Jul 31, 2016 at 7:37pm PDT A photo posted by Sue's Belle Coiffure (@sue_s_belle_coiffure) on Dec 14, 2015 at 8:34am PST Ponytails It’s pretty easy to put box braids into ponytails. Again, there are a ton of ponytails you can use on box braids. You can do a side ponytail, pigtails, a high ponytail, half ponytail, or just a simple traditional ponytail. A photo posted by yarimejia (@yarimejia) on Apr 19, 2016 at 7:18pm PDT Braids You can braid your box braids. It’s like a braid within abraid. I call them inception braids. Check it out: A photo posted by Jalisa Joy (@ling_stylez) on Jun 19, 2015 at 10:53am PDT Specific Styles for Box Braids In addition to the general looks that are possible, here are some more specific box braid hairstyles. Again, you can use any of these looks or combine looks to create a style all your own. The Beyonce Bun This hairstyle was popularized by Beyoncà ©. She rocked this look after she gave birth to Blue Ivy, and in typical Beyoncà © fashion, she started a trend. Here’s Beyoncà © sporting the Beyoncà © bun: A photo posted by Lina Kewas (@pitaluh) on Apr 8, 2016 at 9:43pm PDT And check out this girl looking fabulous with her Beyoncà © bun: A photo posted by Hannah Israel (@braidsbyhannah) on Jan 14, 2015 at 8:42am PST Twisted Bun The twisted bun is basically a bun that has twisted or braided hair. You can create this look by twisting your braids and putting them in a bun. Typically, this look works better with thicker braids. The bun can be at the top of the head or closer to the neck. Here are a couple of examples of twisted buns with box braids. A photo posted by Meka (@mekajoi_stylez) on Jul 7, 2016 at 12:02pm PDT A photo posted by TwistedFingersbyFayme (@twistedfingersbyfayme) on May 16, 2016 at 10:04am PDT Super High Bun This is a bun or twisted bun that is closer to the front of your head. It gives a sophisticated look, and it can be a worn at work or for a night out. A photo posted by fatumahasha (@fatumahasha) on Dec 29, 2015 at 2:44am PST Side Part The side part is extremely simple to create. All you have to do is flip your braids to one side to sport this fierce look: A photo posted by IronyOfAshi | Agatha 🇠³Ã°Å¸â€¡ ¬ (@ironyofashi) on Aug 27, 2015 at :38am PDT Thick Braid You can braid your box braids into one thick braid in the back for a comfortable, fashionable look. While buns can add extra weight on your head and possibly hurt your neck, you won’t run into any of those issues with the braid. A photo posted by Baby Kincy (@myeyesruphere) on Jun 2, 2014 at 5:25pm PDT Ear Buns I’m kinda feeling this look. This do consists of two buns at the sides of your head while wearing the rest of your hair down. It’s sporty and cute. A photo posted by Box Braids (@bestboxbraids) on Sep 22, 2015 at 5:pm PDT A photo posted by Box Braids (@bestboxbraids) on Jul 16, 2016 at 5:47pm PDT Crown of Braids You can make a bun-like crown of braids by bringing your hair from the back and working along your hairline. This is a lovely, regal do. A photo posted by Kersti Pitre (@kersti.pitre) on Sep 25, 2015 at 9:39pm PDT The High Half Ponytail You can bring your braids from the side to the top of your head to make a high half ponytail. This is a good style for going out or if you just want to add some extra spice to your normal look. A photo posted by L I Z Z I E L O V E S (@lizzieloves.x) on Jan , 2016 at 10:37am PST Accessorizing Box Braids On top of all the various hairstyles you can wear with box braids, you can also accessorize your hair to add a little something extra. You can put beads in your braids, and you can use scarves or headbands. The scarves and headbands can help you create different hairstyles, but the beads are just for show. A photo posted by @boxbraidsgang_ on Jun 2, 2015 at 1:39pm PDT A photo posted by Magda DziÄ™giel (@holla_jazzy) on Oct 2, 2015 at 9:48am PDT How to Style Box Braids: 3 VideoTutorials If you want to see how various box braid hairstyles are created, I've posted a few video tutorials to walk you through the process. The first shows 12 ways you can style your box braids. The next shows seven top hairstyles for box braids or Senegalese twists: Finally, you can watch this video which shows six simple and elegant box braid styles: 3 Thingsto Consider Before Getting Box Braids Here are some essential things to think about before you get your box braids. How Big Do You Want Them? Do you want thick rope-like braids or very small braids? Small box braids work better for fine hair. If you have fine hair and opt for a bigger braid, the weight could damage your hair and you probably won’t get the volume you desire. Big box braids work better for thick hair. If you have thick hair and get braids that are too small, you’ll end up with a ridiculous number of braids, the braids may be too thick to style, and they’ll have too much weight. Make Sure Your Hair Is Ready Before getting a box braid hairstyle, you have to prep your hair. Thoroughly clean your hair, and don’t put any product in your hair before you get it done. This will ensure your hair is as healthy and clean as possible. Again, while your hair is braided, you won’t be able to be able to get rid of all the dirt and bacteria from your hair and scalp, so you need to make sure your hair is super clean before it gets braided. Mentally Prepare Yourself for the Process The process of getting box braids takes hours. On average, it typically requires about 4-8 hours. Generally, the smaller your braids, the longer the process. Also, the braiding can be uncomfortable. However, even though it can be a bit unpleasant, it shouldn’t be extremely painful. Intense pain can be a symptom that you’re experiencing hair loss. If you're in agony, let your stylist know, and she can adjust the tension or take your braids out. How toMaintain Your Box Braids Like all hairstyles, box braids have to be maintained, but a huge benefit of getting box braids is that they don’t require much daily maintenance. Don’t wash your hair too much, but keep your hair and scalp clean. While you should only wash your hair about once every week or two with box braids, you can clean your scalp more often. Dampen a washcloth and dip it into warm water and witch hazel astringent. Then part your hair and rub the washcloth on your scalp. Don’t leave your braids in for too long. Again, the braids only last a maximum of about two months. If you leave them in longer than that, they’re going to start to look unkempt. Also, leaving braids or weaves in for too long can lead to alopecia, or the thinning of the hairline. Your hairline is especially susceptible if your braids are too tight around the hairline. If you’re especially worried about damaging your hairline, you can undo and rebraid the front few rows after about a month. Additionally, make sure that your hairstyle isn’t too tight. Don’t wear an extremely tight bun or ponytail. If your hair is pulled back too tight, that can damage your hairline as well. If possible, wear a satin headscarf at night. This will help keep your edges looking good and protect your scalp from drying out. Keep your scalp moist. You can prevent your scalp from drying out by spraying your scalp with water when you’re not washing your scalp or hair. Only use natural oils to keep your hair and scalp moisturized. Stylists recommend avoiding mineral oils, even though they’re popular in many braid moisturizers. Instead, use natural oils like almond oil and coconut oil. Also, you can use shea butter to soothe and moisturize your scalp.
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