Monday, December 30, 2019
What Is the Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion...
What is the Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry, and how will it develop in the next five years? I am going to write about what the role of fashion promotion is within the fashion industry and discuss how it might develop in the next five years. To do this I shall review what fashion promotion is by defining it and finding out how, when and where it started. To understand what fashion promotion really is in a contemporary context I shall broadly look at how it is used and what many forms it has taken since the beginning up until the present day. To look at how fashion promotion may develop in the next five years I shall analyse and critique specific examples in more detail, such as finding out how these specific types†¦show more content†¦Photography can tell us a story of periods in history; fashion photography constitutes a historical document that offers us evidence of the practices and ideals of a given period (H.Radner (2000) in S.Bruzzi P.Church Gibson Fashion Cultures: Theories, Explorations Analysis, London: Routledge, pp. 128-134). In the 1940s photos were very staged, prim and proper and the models were the children of the rich of that time, by the 50s there were some social changes such as more disposable wealth, to which the fashion industry responded by having studio lit photographs and beginning to move away from static, manikin style shots. By the 60s subject and style went under transformation as a result of changes during the post Second World War era and the revolution of the ‘single girl beg an. Fashion photography started to be shot outside with the model often walking or running to show that she is ‘active. (Ruth Orkin, American Girl in Italy, 1951) Fashion isnt fixed: it follows a repetitive cycle, which is moving so fast that cyclical ideas are being used up too quickly. In response, brand new ideas and concepts are being invented. The growth in virtual space means knowledge spreads faster, ideas are downloaded and lower designers take them before higher designers who came up with the designs get it into their own store, which is one reason why fashion is becoming cheaper. Boundaries between higher and lower level brands are becoming blurred as is the distinctionShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry1761 Words  | 8 PagesThe Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry I am going to write about what the role of fashion promotion is within the fashion industry and discuss how it might develop in the next five years. To do this I shall review what fashion promotion is by defining it and finding out how, when and where it started. To understand what fashion promotion really is in a contemporary context I shall broadly look at how it is used and what many forms it has taken since the beginning up until theRead MoreFashion Promotion in 5 Years Essay1727 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is the role of fashion promotion within the fashion industry, and how will it develop over the next 5 years? Fashion promotion is the glue that holds together everything fashion related. Its all very well having a great designer who can create stunning garments out of fabulous materials, but fashion promotion is what advertises those garments, and sells them, and puts them out there for the world to see. If there werent photographers and buyers and journalists and stylistsRead MoreWhat Is the Role of Fashion Promotion, and How Will It Develop over the Next Five Years?1904 Words  | 8 PagesWhat is the role of fashion Promotion within the fashion Industry, and how will it develop over the next five years? In an age where fashion and technology is constantly evolving it is important that we take a step back and take a look at the current happenings in the promotional side of the fashion industry. The fashion show,a key tool to making designers collections accessible to its consumer, will be the main focus of this essay. We shall define fashion promotion before looking at how the catwalkRead MoreEssay on The Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry1822 Words  | 8 PagesThe Role of Fashion Promotion Within the Fashion Industry In an age where fashion and technology is constantly evolving it is important that we take a step back and take a look at the current happenings in the promotional side of the fashion industry. The fashion show,a key tool to making designers collections accessible to its consumer, will be the main focus of this essay. We shall define fashion promotion before looking at how the catwalk sits under this title. A brief history of the fashionRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Fashion Range Co1860 Words  | 8 PagesOverview Fashion Range Co. is a clothing retail company in Canada that offers great quality clothing for teenagers and adults. 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With an increaseRead MoreChallenges Facing Fashion Industry in Ghana6584 Words  | 27 PagesTO THE STUDY The environment in which the fashion industry operates the world over has become turbulent, unpredictable and therefore, difficult to exert managerial control. Cultures around the world are constantly influencing each other; hence, the world’s cultures are changing fashion constantly. Also, social, economic, political and legal factors keep changing than before. Competition in the fashion industry is so rife such that the survival of fashion organizations cannot be guaranteed (StuartRead MoreChallenges Facing Fashion Industry in Ghana6592 Words  | 27 PagesTO THE STUDY The environment in which the fashion industry operates the world over has become turbulent, unpredictable and therefore, difficult to exert managerial control. Cultures around the world are constantly influencing each other; hence, the world’s cultures are changing fashion constantly. Also, social, economic, political and legal factors keep changing than before. Competition in the fashion industry is so rife such that the survival of fashion organizations cannot be guaranteed (StuartRead MoreStrategic Plan of Sibanys Boutique2702 Words  | 11 Pagesunder, 24 to 50, and 50 and above. They tend to be trendy and fashion conscious (Thilmany, 2008). They also expect to pay more for their items than they would for more common merchandise offered by general clothing retailers. After market penetration has been achieved, the next step is to develop the market into a sustainable client base. Retail format development plays a key role in the ability to penetrate the market and develop a sustainable client base. Although boutique customers can beRead MoreFashion Advertising: The Price of Beauty5692 Words  | 23 PagesIntroduction of Fashion Advertising: The price of beauty Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience, viewers, readers or even listeners to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Article, Critical Literacy in the Classroom by Ann S. Beck...
The article â€Å"Critical Literacy in the Classroom†(2005), was written by Ann S. Beck, an English teacher at Camosun College in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. This article explains that it is imperative for teachers to understand the concepts of critical literacy as well as to achieve a critical teaching approach. The author’s main focus was to address and define the importance of teaching critical literacy as an educational practice by approaching dialogue (social act), reflection (critical literacy), and textual critique in the classroom. In brief, these concepts are of main importance to be use in the classroom for students to become active participants in their own meaning-making experiences and to change the way we think about†¦show more content†¦In the Critical Literacy approach, it is crucial for teachers to encourage reflection through open-ended questions were students specifically follow on the relationship between their own experiences and u nderstandings of texts. Furthermore, it is critical for teachers to not guide students toward a traditional interpretation or to influence students to adopt her/ his personal viewpoints because multiple interpretations of any text exist, and no one interpretation represents all viewpoints. In the Textual Critique approach, the teacher encourages the students to examine specific author’s words in a context, and to think about how language can serve different interest. Moreover, this feature focus on sociopolitical issues and social justice, consequently this dimension of critical literacy questions the implicit legitimacy of unequal power relationships contained in text and, in so doing, moves students beyond the personal â€Å" to interrogate how sociopolitical systems and power relationships shape perceptions, responses, and actions†(Lewison et al., 2002, p.383). Challenges may arise for inexperienced and beginning teachers while trying to incorporate a critical lite racy approach in the classroom. In spite of, by encouraging student to truly engage in the process of dialogue,Show MoreRelatedPapoer6763 Words  | 28 PagesThe Impact of Music on Language Early Literacy: A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik’s ABC Music Me The Impact of Music on Language Early Literacy: A Research Summary In Support of Kindermusik’s ABC Music Me Introduction Early childhood classroom teachers believe in the power of music to engage children. What scientifically based research supports the use of music and musical instruction to build early literacy skills? This research summary answers that question, providingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesMarketing Manager: Nikki Ayana Jones Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck Text and Cover Designer: Wanda Espana OB Poll Graphics: Electra Graphics Cover Art: honey comb and a bee working / Shutterstock / LilKar Sr. Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Critical Lense Free Essays
Thomas De Quincey once said â€Å" all that is literature seeks to communicate power. †An author communicates a form of power to others through his/her works. Every piece of literature carries a strong message. We will write a custom essay sample on Critical Lense or any similar topic only for you Order Now These messages can open a person’s eyes and mind to a new perspective. It can also point out things that have repeated throughout history, like discrimination and hatred towards a certain race or what love can do for people. These messages could show what most people don’t see. Literature works such as To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, and A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini, have a very strong message underneath. In To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee is a great novel about discrimination and injustice towards a certain race. This is a great novel about a particular trial, where Atticus Finch, a good lawyer, defends Tom Robinson, whose being accused of raping a young white girl. Tom Robinson is a black man, who has done nothing wrong but is being accused of raping someone just because of his skin color. It did not matter what the black man said back than. Whatever the white person said was always â€Å"right†. One of the themes for this book is the existence of social inequality. The social status of Maycomb was very complicated. At the top you had the Finches, than the Cunninghams, than the Ewells, which were considered white trash. But all the way below the Ewells were the blacks. As you can see, the blacks were below the white trash, they were at the very bottom of the social ladder. This really did effect the society in Maycomb. It divided people up into certain groups. Since the Ewells were above the blacks, it gave them the power to persecute Tom Robinson, an innocent black man. A Thousand Splendid Suns, by Khaled Hosseini, is a story about two women and their lives in Afghanistan. These two women with different ideas about life are brought together by war and loss. As they go through all the dangers that life has brought upon them, they create a strong relationship. They create a mother-daughter and kind of sisters bond. Their abusive husband and the dangerous streets of Kabul have brought them together. This book shows how someone’s love for her family can move this person to shocking self-sacrifice. And the key to surviving all of this is love. Through the theme of female bonds, you can see what the bond of love can do for a women. The efforts of their husband and the government to keep women from having power as much as possible does not work. They form great, strong bonds that give them confidence and strength to fight back. Laila and Miriam form this strong bond together. They both have support in one another. Towards the end, Miriam finally had the strength to fight Rasheed. She did not get this from herself, but from the confidence and love from Laila. As you can see, both of these great novels have a strong message underneath. One of the messages is that social inequality does exist and does destroy people’s lives. The other message is that bonds can give people strength and confidence, which gives them the ability to step up. Love is they key survival of these bonds. Women forms these bonds and have each other’s support and love to give them strength to do more in their life and also to self-sacrifice. Both of these messages have opened people’s eyes to new point of views. How to cite Critical Lense, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Mobile phones free essay sample
Given the current energy crisis that our country is currently facing, the researchers attempted to make an effective, hassle-free, noise-free and portable Solar powered charger which could be used to charge mobile phones and will be as efficient as an ordinary wall phone changer. Solar energy has been proven to be a good alternative source of energy by many and has been an CEO-friendly energy source. Mobile phones are currently the most popular form of gadget and wireless communication in almost every part of the world.In estimation by the International Telecommunication Union, there are over 6. 8 billion cellophane users and the number is still growing fast as technology gets better, innovative and the cost of production gets higher for branded phones, while lower for those non-branded phones. According to G. Aching and S. Baja (201 1), the average lifetime of a cellophane battery is only around 8-12 hours with moderate usage. This has become very inconvenient for those people who are constantly on the road or preoccupied with work. We will write a custom essay sample on Mobile phones or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A person has to ring a wall phone charger and look for a power source or outlet in order to charge. Meanwhile, with the portable solar-powered phone charger, it is a device that only uses the rays of the sun of a minimum amount as energy source to be able to charge a mobile phone. Cellophanes are then charged without the need to plug it into a power source. One of the advantages of using a solar-powered phone charger is its efficiency, non-hassle portability. You wont need a wall phone charger to be able to charge your mobile phone. Mobile phones free essay sample Consumers have when choosing between different mobile phone brands. The study was built upon six key attributes (telephone features, connection fee, access cost, mobile-to-mobile phone rates, call rates and free calls) related to mobile phone purchasing respondents had to importance rate. The research showed that consumers with prior experience about a product can predict their choices relatively well, although respondents tended to overestimate the importance of features, call rates and free calls and underestimate the importance of a monthly access fee, mobile-to-mobile phones rates and the connection fee. 1.Demographic factors have an influence on the evaluations of different attributes related to mobile phone choice. Specifically, gender and social class will impact on the evaluations of the attributes as men belonging to higher social class seem to be more technology savvy. 2.Consumers value personal time planning properties in the choice of new mobile phones. Consumers value in smart phones features that enhance their personal time planning (e. We will write a custom essay sample on Mobile phones or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page g., Jones, 2002). These high-rated features include calendar and e-mail services .However, while synchronization of calendar and e-mail services to PCs has become easy and fast, the importance of time planning in mobile phones becomes more and more important. 3.New technical properties increase consumer willingness to acquire new phone models. Another important aspect that has risen from different studies is that consumers purchase new phones due to the fact that their existing one’s capacity is not appropriate referring to the idea that new technology features such as built-in cameras, better memory, radio, more developed messaging services, and color displays are influencing consumer decisions to acquire new models. Thus it can be expected that new features will influence the intention to acquire new mobile phones. 4.When choosing between different mobile phone models, consumers value larger screen size but the whole phone should be small enough and light to carry in pocket. 5.When choosing between different mobile phone models, consumers value familiar brands. Price of the phone has been identified as a critical factor in the choice of the mobile phone model, especially among younger people. besides new technological advances price is the most influential factor affecting the choice of a new mobile phone model. In addition, it seems that size and brand play to some extent an important role in decision making. Liu (2002) for instance surveyed Asian mobile phone users and found that size of the phone had no impact on mobile phone choice, but this finding might be due to the fact that all competing brands have quite similar sized phones that are small enough. Liu continues that the trend will actually be not towards smaller phones but towards phones with better capability and larger screens. While companies are advertising new models and services that do not yet exist, it according to the paper signals to the market that the company is at the cutting edge of technology and shows what will be available in the very near future. The sales of new phones will then be driven by replacement rather than adoption.
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